Sexual Health Nova Scotia is hiring a coordinator to run our Transformation Closet. The Transformation Closet is a provincial program that provides free access to gender-affirming gear. A full job description and details on how to apply can be found here. Applications are due by March 23rd, 11:59 PM.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Open Letter on Responding to Monkeypox in Nova Scotia
SHNS collaborated with ACNS, CBRC, and HSHC, as well as individual community members to develop the following open letter addressing the provincial government of Nova Scotia’s response to Monkeypox. Since then, the provincial government has collaborated with HSHC to open Nova Scotia’s first pre-exposure vaccine clinic. The open letter can be read here. More information […]
Transformation Closet
The Transformation Closet provides free gender-affirming gear to folks around Nova Scotia. As we have expanded this program over the past few years we have seen how necessary of a resource this program is. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this program, our free gender-affirming gear can be ordered here. We have […]
Announcing our 2022 Sexcellence Award Winner!
Read all about this year’s awesome winner in our press release here, and stay tuned for info on our upcoming Sexcellence Award Virtual Reception!
SHNS Statement on Youth Services
Click here to view our recent statement on sexual and gender-affirming health services for youth available through our network of sexual health centres across the province. You can also view our guide to SHNS Youth Services here.
Test Now – HIV Self-Testing Project!
Test Now: Community Edition Finding it hard to get tested? Test Now: Community Edition provides free HIV Self-Test kits to gay, bi, trans, Two-Spirit, and queer (GBT2Q) men, and non-binary people. These single-use test kits detect HIV antibodies in minutes using a drop of blood ⎯ and getting one is as simple as contacting us […]
Essential Sexual Health Video!
We recently recorded a short video of interviews with staff from the six sexual health centres in our provincial network, to discuss what “essential sexual health” has looked like during the pandemic. Inclusive, comprehensive, accessible sexual and reproductive health care is essential – always! Essential Sexual Health Video
2020-21 Annual Report
Interested to know what SHNS has been up to over the last year? Check out our Annual Report here.
Announcing our 2021 Sexcellence Award Winners!
Read all about this year’s two incredible winners in our press release here, and stay tuned for info on our upcoming Sexcellence Award Virtual Reception!