Teacher Resources > Grade Specific Outcomes and Resources

Curricula for Nova Scotia schools cover sexual health from Grade Primary to Grade 9. It begins with discussions of body parts and healthy relationships, later expanding to outcomes surrounding infections and unplanned pregnancies.

Ideally, students build their knowledge over time, integrating new information with pre-existing knowledge. Students who learn the proper names of body parts in Grade Primary will have a better sense of how puberty works in Grade 4. They will also understand the basics of healthy relationships long before they begin thinking of sexual activity.

Although traditionally, we have been taught to think of sexual education as a discrete conversation about ovaries and condoms, it encompasses far more. It begins at the most elementary level with a discussion of body parts and their appropriate names. It also helps children develop positive feelings about themselves and their bodies.

For the most recent outcomes, please check with the Department of Education, or log onto EduPortal, where some curriculum drafts are uploaded prior to approval.
EduPortalNS Dept of Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentMany curriculum documents are available to educators with a login, including drafts that are being reviewed. These include the latest outcomes for Primary – 6, Grade 7, and Grade 9. They can be downloaded as PDFs for your computer or tablet.Updated annually
Learning Outcomes Framework Grades Primary-6NS Dept of Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentAn overview of all outcomes, including those for Healthy Living.

Learning Outcomes Framework Grades 7-9NS Dept of Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentAn overview of all outcomes, including those for Healthy Living.2014