SHNS Sexual & Mental Health Library Launch!

Today Sexual Health NS is launching our exciting new project here on our website, the Sexual & Mental Health Library! SHNS, and its network of sexual health centres across the province, have come together to create this online library of resources that address the complex intersections of sexual health and mental health. Our goal is […]

SHNS Recommended Reads List for 2019

Here it is folks, to mark Sexual and Reproductive Health Week Feb.11-15 we are sharing our Recommended Reads List for the year! Including a special section on sexual health at all ages, the theme of this year’s SRH week. Happy reading! 50 Recommended Reads 2019

SHNS wins 2018 Bentley Award!

PRESS RELEASE – from Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights Sexual Health Nova Scotia Wins Prize for their innovative program on sexuality and intellectual disability 4 Dec 2018, Nova Scotia – The program Doing It Better, developed by Sexual Health Nova Scotia, gives service providers the tools to better support people living with intellectual […]

New Provincial Coordinator takes over at Sexual Health Nova Scotia

Sexual Health Nova Scotia (SHNS) has hired a new Provincial Coordinator to oversee the collaboration among six of the province’s sexual health centres. Leigh Heide joined the organization on July 9 and will assume all duties as Provincial Coordinator over the coming weeks. In their new role, Mx. Heide will be responsible for coordinating a […]