

Sexual Health Nova Scotia (SHNS) is a leading and expert voice around the issues of sexual and reproductive health.  We champion positive sexual health throughout the lifespan for all Nova Scotians through the following core activities:

  • Advocacy;
  • Education;
  • Navigation;
  • Partnership.


We envision a province where positive sexual health is held in the same regard as any other area of wellness, and people can enjoy their sexuality free from shame and violence, with access to judgement-free services when and where they need them.


Sexual Health Nova Scotia and its member centres are:

  • Sex-positive, open-minded, and non-shaming
  • Respectful of individuals’ confidentiality and autonomy
  • Pro-choice
  • Trauma-informed
  • Committed to an evidence-based approach rooted in best and promising practices
  • Mindful of equity and inclusion in all aspects of our work 
  • We can do more together than we can alone.


SHNS is the representative body of community-based sexual health centres located in Nova Scotia. All our member-centres are autonomous, but adhere to the same principles and practices. SHNS and the member-centres are not-for-profit, registered charities.

Currently there are five member-centres of SHNS. All centres provide:

  • Information and resources about sexual health
  • Referrals and navigation for sexual and reproductive health issues
  • Supportive guidance and/or peer counselling
  • Free or low-cost safer sex supplies (such as condoms)

Most centres also run health promotion programs that offer:

  • Community education to promote positive sexual health
  • Capacity-building training to help professionals support positive sexual health for their clients/patients

In addition, the Halifax Sexual Health Centre operates a sexual health clinic that offers services such as birth control prescriptions, pregnancy testing, Pap tests, STI testing, anonymous HIV testing, gender-affirming health support, and abortion-related counselling and referral.

Commitment to Good Governance

Sexual Health Nova Scotia is a diverse group of community volunteers and staff who exist to positively impact the sexual and reproductive health of all Nova Scotians.  The Board of Directors embraces its leadership role in the community and is committed to excellence in organizational governance.  The Board of Directors is focused on:

  • Outward vision in place of internal preoccupation;
  • Encouragement of diverse points of view;
  • Sound financial management;
  • Safety and respect for all;
  • Evidence-based decision making;
  • The pursuit of best and promising practices.
  • A collective community development-based approach to our work;
  • Strong succession planning;


SHNS and its member-centres are associate members of Action Canada for Sexual and Reproductive Health and affiliated with Planned Parenthood International.